This is without a doubt the most beutifull, most intellectually funny, most painfully good comic on the internet. Read it. Love it. Cry yourself to sleep at night when they dont update AGAIN.
I look at something like an hour of straight porn a day. Thats a lot of naked ladies. And I would still gladly give Jeffery Rowland a handjob if he requested one.
No 4th Wall influenced me to start a web comic more then any other, at the very least in the "well if this guy has one I should" way. But seriously, a hilareous comic.
Sandra K Fur did Boy Meets Boy. I liked Boy Meets Boy. I wish i could say this was really different from Boy Meets Boy, but its really more like a more simplified, streamlined version featuring a younger cast. Whatever, I only love her for her art.
Doonesbury is one of those comics that is good even when it totally sucks for ten years. cos i mean, its been around for thirty. that means that two thirds of the archive is still golden. You'll also find some of the newer stuff is also good once you read the archive, so I'd reccomend doing so. Just, you know, pace yourself. Theres a whole friking lot.
A cheesy humor fantacy comic. annother onewhere...i dunno theres no logical reason to explain why I like this comic other then its really well done. thus defying all my genre based stereotypes. Dammnit.
There is an awful lot to say about QC. It was this big indie comic sensation, and it got kinda famous. Then all the origional fans started hating it. I think thats cos they were all Indie and thats the way indie people work. In all honesty the "ooh, Faye hit Marten" thing gets old. So does the "totally unresolved romantic tension as a focal point for the comic" thing. But I still really enjoy it, even though its content isnt really that questionable. Also, check out his other comic, Indie Tits. Its frikin great.
Minding My Own Buisiness is kinda like Megatokyo in that it is a bout relationships and is Japanese influenced. But reading MMOB dosen't make you as much of a bitch, mainly cos the first story arc concludes with lesbianism.
CYS is sorta the Archade Fire of web comics. They were really awesome and indie and cool like two years ago. Now everyone likes em, and the entire conversation goes "I really like CYS" "yeah, CYS is really cute." Then you stare into your beer some more.
This guy did exploitation now. The plot looks like it could go somewhere interesting, if it ever friking moves. Sometimes he makes panels that I cannot for the life of me tell whats going on, and then I have to Ask my friend Lou to help me figure out what the hell is happening. Thats seriously happened liek twice.
First thing i need to say is that people who go "EEEH! I HATE EMO!" are musical bigots right up there with the KKK as far as I'm concerned. This is a new comic. I like the art style, and I definetly like the begining of the plot line. Give this guy a shot.
This comic draws heavily on the American comicbook tradition: wannabe superheroes and impossibly constructed women. still. Its nice to see one or two holdouts.
Alot of people like College Roomies from Hell. THe best thing I can say about it is it updates regularly, or it did before she got knocked up. The Art is better then mine, but that dosen't say much. The story is rediculous and overly confusing. Its quite rarely funny. I hate the characters. and for some damn reason I keep going back. Its like heroin, but without any high whatsoever.
Shinpad was created by Alex Camilio, a talented guy and extremely funny. Very devoted to the comic craft. that makes him sound more pretentious then he is. He's also a very good friend of mine and he helped me set up socialized medicine. Don't hold that aginst him.
Queen of Wands is charming and I challenge anyone to prove that that makes me less of a man. The fact that I Read Megatokyo, however, makes me totally a woman. This one is currently updating with commentary, but the comics are old.
I will pay you money to go read Kid Radd. Thats how important this comic is. It is a sprite comic that defies the genre. It is funny and touching and detailed and in depth...with self created sprites! It makes no sence! And that is what great art is about.